Portfolio Draft

1. Zeitgeist Poster

I created this first design based off of the fact that Carson was a pro surfer. He includes a lot of beachy elements in his designs. I tried to do something funky with the text because that is similarity consistent in Carson's work. In the second design, I tried to recreate one of Carson's popular designs.

 This was my final draft for the Zeitgeist poster assignment. This was my favorite design because I tried to include a lot of elements that Carson includes in his work. I included an array of typography to embody a real Carson design.  I also included the water to highlight his liking for the beach and surfing. The text in the bottom half is a list of the magazines that Carson has designed graphics for.

2.  Worldmark

In my first draft, I tried to recreate a graffiti mural that is featured on a brick wall in the Bronx. It is not a perfect representation, but I had fun figuring out how to fit the graffiti image into the text. The second graphic was my favorite idea, but there was a lot going on, so I didn't end up picking it.

This was my final draft for the WorldMark assignment. I tried to recreate the 1 train subway sign. I really liked how this came out. I was happy that I knew the exact font (Helvetica) of the sign, so it could look as similar as possible.  The signs don't look perfectly alike, but I am still happy with how my design came out.

3.  Snapchat Geofilter

I really did not like this first design, but I was starting to run out of ideas. I also wanted to use the Adobe app to try to include a sketch of a picture that I took. I really liked the second one. This sign is immediately what comes to mind when I think of Riverdale, and I think my execution was done very well.
 I chose this for final draft because it looked the best, and I figured it would be picked by Snapchat before the others. I think it fits the graphic nicely. Even though it is very simple,  It represents Riverdale very well.

4. Event Poster

I am not crazy about this first design. I wanted to try to edit a picture with the tools on Adobe, but it did not come out as well as I would have liked. I like the second one because it is very simple just like the band's aesthetic.

This was my best design because it embodied simplicity and included an element from the band's album. Just like in my Worldmark design, I like how CAAMP has a common font that they use which was available in Adobe. Even though I did not include a. a lot of information on the poster, I think what I did include was more than enough.

5. Book Cover

I had a lot of trouble with these designs. I wanted the designs to be very simple, but I had a lot of trouble with Indesign.

This was the best design because it was unique from the real book cover and included an element that gave a hint to where the story takes place. The majority of the book takes place in Dublin, so these are two doors from Dublin. The story is about a love story between two people who come from very different backgrounds, so I thought the two doors were symbolic of that.
